SocialX code

The following is the SocialX social protocol contract, taking solidity as an example. The concise code below implements the social protocol. In the future, it will open source implementations of other contract languages such as Bitcoin script, Move language, and become the cornerstone of cross-chain social networking.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

contract SocialX {

struct App {

uint256 topics;

uint256 appends;

uint256 repays;


uint256 public immutable LOCATION_ID;

mapping(uint256 => App) public apps;

event Create(uint256 indexed app_id, uint256 topic_id);

event Append(uint256 indexed app_id, uint256 append_id);

event Reply(uint256 indexed app_id, uint256 repay_id);

event Tags(uint256 indexed app_id);

event Follow(uint256 indexed app_id);

constructor(uint256 location_id) {

LOCATION_ID = location_id;


// @param sign_data Consists of {SignTypeId}{SignAddress}{SignMessage}{SignResult} padded. abi.encode(['uint256', 'address', 'string', 'string'],[SignTypeId,SignAddress,SignMessage,SignResult])

function create(uint256 app_id, bytes calldata sign_data, uint256 node_id, string calldata title, string calldata content) external {

emit Create(app_id, ++apps[app_id].topics);


function append(uint256 app_id, bytes calldata sign_data, uint256 target_location_id, string calldata topic_hash, string calldata content) external {

emit Append(app_id, ++apps[app_id].appends);


function reply(uint256 app_id, bytes calldata sign_data, uint256 target_location_id, string calldata topic_hash, string calldata content) external {

emit Reply(app_id, ++apps[app_id].repays);


function reply(uint256 app_id, bytes calldata sign_data, uint256 target_location_id, string calldata topic_hash, string calldata content, uint256 target_reply_location_id, string calldata reply_hash) external {

emit Reply(app_id, ++apps[app_id].repays);


function tags(uint256 app_id, bytes calldata sign_data, bytes[] calldata data) external {

emit Tags(app_id);


function follow(uint256 app_id, bytes calldata sign_data, address target_address, bool follow_status, string calldata remark) external {

emit Follow(app_id);



For more details, please refer to:

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